Hello, I'm Michael McKinsey

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About Me

Pursuing a M.S. in Computer Science at Texas A&M, I am interested in research opportunities.

I am a Texas native from Houston and I have been located in College Station since 2018. I love all Houston sports, especially watching/playing basketball. Enjoying the competitiveness of basketball, I also enjoy e-sports and playing PC games.

I've been studying Computer Science since high school and I have also worked several jobs/internships. Most recently I have been on the research side of things, and I enjoy the autonomy to explore topics at a low level. I am interested in the areas of high-performance computing, machine learning, and performance analysis.

Featured Portfolio

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Spring 2022 - Current

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AI Crossword Generator

Winter 2023

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Stable Diffusion API

Spring 2023

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Resume Matcher

Spring 2022

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Tonic Project

Summer 2021

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Amundsen Project

Summer 2020

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Fall 2020

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Geodisparate Report

Summer 2019

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Personal Website


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1-Page Resume